Tuesday, February 16, 2010


martin heidegger suggests that anxiety is useful in that it shocks you out of your life as a man in a crowd (das mann) with the reality that no one is going to die for you so we should focus on the essence of our being, enabling us to live an authentic life.
to me, anxiety and insecurity draw attention to what exists in our lives and is not acceptable in metaphysical nature, where pain plays the same role in the material world.  at first, anxiety nudges at our side for us to open up and adjust our attitude to alleviate the suffering.  but the ego tells us to repress these feelings because the ego is blind to positive and negative energy.  but the feeling doesn't go away, anxiety consume the person's life and causes every irrational and perhaps every inappropriate action. 
 with advanced pineal gland meditation, i have developed a keen sense to identify the anxiety and insecurity in a person. i have seen it plague the entire body and cripple the happiness and beauty in a person. my sensitivity to this phenomena becomes tangibly futile since it is the anxiety that becomes inflamed with the notion of being exposed so out of respect for the person's well being i am obliged to let it go even when i feels like i'm turning my cheek to an injustice.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

knowledge vs wisdom and preference vs objectivity

wisdom is a divine experience, and every word that comes out of our mouth is an attempt to tap into this wisdom... the buddha or jesus used words to create a wordless state of consciousness within their disciples. wisdom is instant, knowledge is accumulated, wisdom only appears when the ego disappears, the mind is only interested in knowledge... wisdom is intrinsically true, you cannot learn it, it grows in your heart it is an experience, it makes you mature and innocent at the same time, the win win situation.

knowledge can be true in the same way our preference can be true, but we cannot argue preference or taste, it is personal. wisdom is tapping into the metaphysical objective reality that lies behind all existence

it is simple to be knowledgeable,  all you have to do is read... but wisdom is risky, it is without qualities (feminine)

words are indicators for those who meditate, but to everyone else they are dangerous because they believe in the words for what they say and they miss the spirit