Thursday, April 29, 2010

Answering questions about the pineal gland, answering questions from the pineal gland

It has occurred to me that people might not be familiar with the pineal gland, or know much about it, so here is the significance of my blog, enjoy!.  The pineal gland is a raisin sized, pine cone (hence the name) shaped gland located between the eyes and in the center of your brain.  Pine cones themselves being the seed of pine trees, exhibit the Fibonacci sequence when looked at from the bottom, exhibiting sacred geometry.  Renee Descartes called the pineal gland “the seat of consciousness” and it is the gateway to spirituality; being, higher realms of consciousness and tuning into higher frequencies beyond those available through the 5 senses.  By awakening the pineal gland, we can speed up our learning and our memory, enhance wisdom, intuition and creativity, and even awaken our psychic abilities.  When the adrenal gland is stressed, it presses down on the pineal gland secreting dimethyltriptomine (DMT).  This is the chemical released which produces the visions/ hallucinations one experiences from meditation, fasting, sleep deprivation, and out of body-near death experiences and since DMT is released during R.E.M sleep, it explains why our dreams can be extremely vivid yet impossible to articulate.  (and if you notice in my profile it says Divine Moments of Truth)
Other names for the pineal gland include the crown chakra, the third eye and the minds eye because it has a lens, cornea and retina.  It also contains calcite crystals similar to the ones found in the inner ear.  The pineal gland is bioluminescent, it is sensitive to light, and when activated gives off light, hence the halo shown around enlightened beings.   
I would like to remind you all that this is pretty mainstream science and history, not an esoteric or mystical teaching, but why is it not mainstream in education?  I encourage you to look up any of the references I have and will continue to reference.  The pineal is revered in nearly all traditions and perhaps the potency of the truth would free us from the paradigm keeping civilization after civilization enslaved. The earliest examples of knowing about the pineal gland go back to the first civilization of Sumer.  The god Anu is shone wearing a pine cone on his head.  (Sumerians didn’t actually had gods, they were called Anunakki which was the series of kings beginning with Anu, I’d like to get in this more but I shall remain on topic).  The Babylon god Tummuz is shown in carvings with a basket of pine cones and this represented the biogenic experiment they called humans (I think Ea was the Sumerian representation of Tummuz).  Moving forward a bit, Osiris, Dionysis (and Bacchus), and the pope all have pine cone staffs.  Shiva wears a pine cone on his head.  The Vatican has a pine cone court where there isn’t much except a 6 foot pine cone and 2 ibis birds (representations of Toth, in case there is still any question, yes, Catholics are pagan).  Free mason’s put the all-seeing eye on the one dollar bill, and formed a society to worship the dollar bill so that they being a higher power could control the people.  Another quick note on mind control: a matrix in geometry is a square or rectangle composed of rows and columns with numbers to keep people entertained while they suffer, how often do we find ourselves in places that fit this description?


  1. No. This is NOT "mainstream science." I sincerely doubt that there are ANY serious scientists who would honestly argue that the pineal gland is the "gateway to spirituality." It's merely new-age nonesense latching on to a poorly understood part of our anatomy. While it may have been often cited in ancient traditions, those same traditions also felt that blood-letting was an effective way to cure disease, and that has been proved wrong. So I ask, what evidence is there to suggest that the pineal gland is anything more than a gland that regulates sleep?

    I can tell you that, from my research, scientists agree that it regulates hormones in the brain that govern sleep. How this process is done is as-yet not fully understood, but there has been absolutely NO MENTION in the scientific literature of any supernatural uses for this gland. This "gateway to spirituality" certainly makes a good story, but then, one could argue that the Star Wars movies tell a good story, too, but that doesn't make them any more real or true.

    There's also the small matter to attend to that there's really no objective, verifiable evidence that there is a "spiritual world" to "tap in to," as the only accounts of such happen to come from folks who have a clear conflict of interest -- one is not going to take an objective stance towards one's own spiritual beliefs. Given this evidence, or lack thereof, I find myself extremely hesitant to accept this absurd notion of the pineal gland as some mystical gateway to an as-yet unproved "higher realm of consciousness."

  2. Well, apparently the rest of my comment got cut off, so I shall continue it here.

    While there may be history of worshipping the pineal gland, history also shows people worshipping the sun, and sacrificing other humans to their deities. A history of worship does not imply that a thing is correct to worship, nor does it justify the methods of giving praise to said deity. Those gods of old are no longer worshipped for a reason -- we, as a society and a species, moved on from needing those particular stories. Granted, we attached ourselves to new ones, but that does not mean that the old gods continue to need our praise (if they do, I will be the first to offer a burnt sacrifice to Zeus).

    On the pine cone court in the Vatican... that does not suggest that Catholics are pagans. The pine cone happens to predate the Vatican's use as the seat of Catholicism by a few hundred years, and is merely reflective of the fact that it was a seat of worship for the pagan religions of Rome before Christianity became an accepted religion and made the Vatican the seat of the Roman Bishop (and later, the Pontiff). The preservation of history does not indicate that such is condoned. To suggest that the pine cone indicates that Catholics are pagan is equivalent to suggesting that, since the concentration camps from Nazi Germany were preserved, that historians accept the mass murder of Jews, communists, gypsies, and other undesirables, as justified. One would be hard-pressed to find a mainstream historian who argues that Hitler had the right idea with the Holocaust.

    Finally, on Freemason mind control... what evidence is there to suggest that the Freemasons actually worship the dollar, or that "mind control" actually works? I have seen no evidence to suggest that such conspiracy theories are anything more than fearmongering. Freemasons, in this context, have all of the mystical appeal of witches. Can we have some objective data that mind control is possible before we start tossing out wild accusations, please?

    1. So you've taken the time to argue that there's no such thing as spirituality, that mythologies bear no truth, that no one has an interest in mind control, and tossed in some vague accusation that observing the artifacts of history makes one comparable to Nazis.

      Why bother being so wrong? Do you really have that much time in your day? Does your boss know that this is how you spend your time, or do you do this for leisure? Do you know better? What a tragic case you must be.

      I thought this was a fine article. It points out some critical information that really should be taught in schools. Why suppress true information with your wilfully ignorant hate? Is there good money in undermining the spiritual destiny of the people?

      The pineal gland is critical in the formulation of dreams and the realization of destiny. If you can acknowledge that your pineal gland has some function in regards to dreams, it isn't a great leap to realize that your waking life is shaped by this function.

      The stories of gods who hold some relationship with this powerful gland are most significant as it tells of people thinking a way that is creative, dedicated, and unconstrained by the constructed biases of this modern world.

      Its my belief, and I believe it because I am of the conviction that its true, that this universe is theocentric and that the pineal gland is critical in our union with the Godhead. There are many ways to the Godhead as there are spiritual beliefs. Not all will achieve union with God, but to say that there is no journey, that we don't have the tools to resolve ourselves to that great work, that there isn't a great infinitude willing us homeward, is a grave sin.

      I'm sure in your line of work there isn't much discussion regarding sin and how it sticks with you forever, but I'll put it in terms you might understand: you do a grave disservice to the American ideal.

  3. Does the pineal gland really have a lens, retina, and cornea?

  4. I am an iota of cosmic vibrations. Ceaselessly careening down metaphysical rabbit holes of infinite tomorrow. We are now. We are. Pineal masterpieces of egotistic divinity. We are the feminine and masculine the omega and the alpha. We lack the the qualities and intentions (metaphysical) of our perceptual incarnations. Like Shiva and Osiris constantly cycling through our existences, so to do we.

  5. You offered references in your article. Could you please provide them? I have been trying to find anything in medical literature which mentions bioluminescence of the pineal gland.

  6. I have noticed bad people when they frown a lump appears at their for head.

    I'm catholic and I believe we should fear heaven and not want to fight it arrogance can be the greatest sin.

    But I can see Semiramis does dwell in Rome.

    The wolf

    Semiramis dwells in the Jews and protestants too.
    More wolves.

    Jesus was crucified on the tummuz cross.
