Thursday, April 1, 2010

implications of a few beatles lyrics (OB) (CR)

here is the beatles song that i referenced in class...

Sail me on a silver sun
Where I know that I am free
Show me that I'm everywhere
and get me home for tea.
It's all too much for me to take
There's plenty there for everybody
The more you give the more you get
The more it is and it's too much.
It's all too much for me to see
The love that's shining all around you
The more I learn the less I know
But what I do is all too much.
It's all too much for me to take

however lsd induced these lyrics may be, there is a struggle in scope of material form (where moderation produces the most progress) and the metaphysical dimension (where too much is never too much).  love is metaphysical, but the limits of time we impose on our desire to see the entire universe as it is directly conflict one another.  i am reminded of the story of sarmad, the sufi master who was living in pure ecstasy and god-realization to the point that he would forget to go to the mosque to prey, and was beheaded because of this, but he didn't have to go to the mosque in order to pray.  this is very similar to the story of christ, he was crucified for not following laws which he knew from a greater perception than the narrow slit humans experience as the ego.  in god-consciousness, you experience the universe without space or time so that everything is immediate and present and all sense of material desire and suffering is annihilated.  

now i'm not a huge beatles fan, i do not like pop music, but "happiness is a warm gun" is one of my favorite all time tunes (it is not a pop song).  supposedly the song is about heroin addiction, as many of their songs are (fixing a hole),  but to me, happiness is a warm gun because "happiness" is metaphysical, and only through the connection to the material world can one be happy.  when the intention (metaphysical) taps into the material (action/ material) they harmonize and become seamless, the manifestation becomes divine, which is happiness (metaphysical loop petal). the gun is only warm when it has just been used, meaning that intention has succeeded in tapping into the material world.


  1. Hey, what's a metaphysical loop pedal?

  2. it is the certain kind of energy (either positive or negative, in the case mentioned, positive) that perpetuates itself, and grows with the acquisition of more energy. i allude to it in the first paragraph based on the lyric "the more you give, the more you get" but as i noted the beatles weren't able to differentiate that the material world does not create the loop pedal because "it's all too much". i'll reference the 7 deadly sins because they are all material, and in moderation they are all pleasurable, but both extremes of indulgence and repression are linked by obsession and are not pleasurable.
    the only desires worth pursuing are intangible (feminine, metaphysical) such as love, compassion, joy etc since they can touch every aspect of your life. when people focus on the tangible (masculine, physical) they must reapply their judgment to each individual experience to determine to which extent the stimuli will build, peak or plateau in pleasure which is exhausting so most people either avoid or indulge.
